Geokey Going Green

Geokey: Mobile Access Offers Health-Conscious and

Environmentally Sustainable Security Options

The national pandemic brought health-consciousness to the forefront of our daily living. In a previous post, we discussed society’s heightened awareness about cleanliness and germ-spread prevention and how touch-free mobile access solutions drive the new normal for accessing business facilities.

In addition to the health benefits, another important reason why more and more business owners are getting rid of traditional keys, plastic keycards and key fobs and switching to mobile access credentials is environmental sustainability.

Sustainability, or “going green,” is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. As the green movement continues to raise its profile to consumers, it is increasingly important for businesses to preserve natural resources, minimize hazardous substances, and decrease energy usage.

Geokey’s mobile access, created instantly through an app, saves materials and energy that would normally be spent making duplicate keys/keycards every time they get lost, misplaced, or need to be copied. Less Resources = Cleaner Living.

Consumers want optimal living for this generation without compromising the wellbeing of tomorrow’s generations. Companies that use sustainable options help make the world a better place to live now and in the future. It’s the responsible way of doing business today and consumers take notice.

Geokey is committed to being the best global citizens we can be by offering security solutions that greatly reduce environmental waste through the complete elimination of physical keys/keycards and key fobs. Our security solution requires no material processing and conserves natural resources all while enhancing performance and reliability standards. We deliver convenience and security without compromising the environment.

Geokey is efficient and cost effective. It reduces energy costs for the environment and for your business. If you’re more efficient, you save money.

We work within your budget to properly plan and implement solutions designed to offer convenient mobile access while maintaining the appropriate level of security for your business.

If you are interested in more environmentally sustainable security solutions for your small business, get in touch with us at