Graduate to a
Smarter Solution

One App.
All of Campus.

Improve your Student Experience

Grant Access Quickly

Increase Security

No More Keys

Higher Ed. Smarter Tech.

  • No Keys / Fobs
  • Automated Move In / Out Days
  • Audit Trails
  • Thermostat Control
  • Water Leak Detection
  • Manage Access Remotely
  • Visitor / Guest Passes
  • Unit / Sub-Unit Reporting
  • In-App Push Notifications
  • Enhanced Security

Sub-Unit Access Control

Roommates can have their ups and downs. We take the worry out of sharing a dorm by securing both shared and personal spaces with their very own Geokey, and it is all automated right from your PMS.

  • Roomate One
  • Roommate Two
  • Roommate Three

Advanced Sub-Unit Reporting

Student Housing Directors and Security Staff have full visualization of the occupancy of their buildings with sub-unit reporting. Advanced reporting let’s you know which units are fully occupied and which ones can fit those mid-semester transfer students.

Stay Connected with
Push Notifications

Keep your students in the loop with our in-app push notifications.

Easily send out event reminders and class details to all students or staff through the Message Center in the Geokey portal!

Why Geokey

Advanced reporting allows you to see what campus resources your students are utilizing the most.

Eliminate the trading of fobs and keys and increase the security of your campus community.

Advanced reporting allows you to see what campus resources your students are utilizing the most.

Automate move in/out days and other security workflows with our dashboard and advanced software.

Make Access Simple
For Your Students