Geokey Access Control Ideal for Multi-Family Residential Buildings

Most multi-family residential buildings are accessed by a myriad of individuals on a daily basis – tenants, visitors, delivery personnel, maintenance workers, etc. Traditional methods of access are difficult to manage, expensive to maintain, and lack convenience.

Gone are the days of intrusive intercom systems, bulky key fobs, and misplaced keycards. The modern, smart way of multi-residential living is unlocking every door in your building with your mobile phone.

Geokey opens all doors—front doors, individual rooms, elevators, garages, etc. Access is granted to the right doors at the right times.

Geokey’s cloud-based solutions solve access challenges through touchless mobile entry that is convenient, economical, and secure. Real-time data and analytics provides the reporting you need to strengthen security and make managing residential properties easier than ever.

Our system differs from traditional systems because the cloud hosts the software (the brains controlling the hardware) thus eliminating the need for a physical server at the property itself.

With Geokey, you eradicate risks of technical difficulties like on-site servers going down, the inconveniences of rebooting or troubleshooting your system, and the added expenses of server maintenance and repairs.

Geokey gives owners and/or property managers control of all their facilities at the touch of their fingertips from any device.

Security doesn’t have to be complicated. That is why Geokey’s dashboard has a seamless interface for all technology levels. From sending out Geokeys to checking up on your data logs, it is easily accessible from your desktop or mobile device. Additionally, users are granted Global Administrative Rights to build out multiple facilities and control points.

Geokey integrates with any type of door or software allowing us to incorporate seamlessly to meet your needs. Since the number of users or custom schedules does not determine software costs, the costs are deferrable to the tenants.

Geokey is the product you can trust to manage your tenants, guests, and visitors. No more changing locks or worrying about who can get in your building. Geokey has you covered.

Deliveries are a cinch with Geokey. Simply give delivery persons Geokey access or designate a separate room that only Geokey users can enter. All users are tracked by who enters, at what time, and when they leave.

The future is here and it’s waiting for you to take control. Let Geokey revolutionize your multi-family residential buildings today.

For pricing and information contact Taylor Williams, Chief Sales Officer at