Flourishing on Campus: How a Sense of Security Links with Academic Achievement

Students have a lot to worry about when it comes to higher education. With papers due and a social life to stay on top of, students are working towards creating a brighter future for themselves by pursuing a field they feel passionate about. With so much pressure hinging on their success, parents and universities want to see the student succeed and thrive in college as much as the student does.

One roadblock students regularly face to thrive in higher education is how safe they feel. For students to thrive in their education, they need to feel safe. It’s just as important for them to feel secure in their dorms and housing as in the classroom. While universities consider safety a major concern and have made considerable efforts to provide students with what they need, do students feel safe?

Do Students Feel Safe on Campus?

Despite universities making considerable efforts to ensure campuses are safe for students, like employing campus security escorts and having visible cameras in public areas, students believe that more can be done to enhance security measures. A recent study conducted by Best Colleges revealed that while over 75% of students firmly believe their university values their safety, a significant portion, over 57%, expressed there needed to be additional visible security measures around campus.

On top of that, a survey of college students conducted by ADT and the Clery Center shed light on how safe students felt on campus. A staggering 82% of respondents reported feeling concerned about their personal safety upon returning to campus. Moreover, 97% of college students indicated that they actively consider their safety as they navigate their daily campus routines, underscoring the profound impact security concerns have on their overall well-being.

How Geokey is Revolutionizing Campus Security

In the same ADT/Clery Center survey, over 75% of respondents highlighted that one of the measures they take that makes them feel safer is having a phone on their person as a safety measure. The introduction of smartphones (and smart technology) has changed how we conduct our lives and, when leveraged correctly, can redefine security.

This is where GeokeyU emerges as an industry game-changer. By transforming students’ phones into the sole access key to their units and subunits, GeokeyU gives students an access control solution with a unique, secure credential that offers convenience and interconnectivity.

With Geokey, the credential is uniquely linked to the student’s phone, meaning they don’t need to worry about keeping track of a ring of keys or others having access to their space. With unit and subunit control features, roommates can enjoy enhanced privacy and peace of mind, knowing that access to their personal space is strictly limited to authorized individuals. They can rest easily and have peace of mind knowing their space is their own, and they can always come home to security after a long school day.

Moreover, Geokey’s innovative in-app push notifications feature can be leveraged to help school administrators keep students informed. Administrators can use this feature to send students important security information and updates in real-time without relying on mass calls or text messaging.

GeokeyU is in a great position to revolutionize the Student Housing Industry, offering a comprehensive solution that addresses the complex nature of safety concerns. By leveraging the wide use of smartphones and digital technology of the modern age, Geokey empowers students and campus administrators to take control of their safety while fostering a campus culture rooted in trust, communication, and collective responsibility. As universities strive to meet the evolving needs of their student populations, innovative solutions like GeokeyU stand poised to redefine the future of campus security.

If you want to learn more about GeokeyU and how we are revolutionizing Student Housing, check out how we are increasing security without breaking the bank!