As new security hardware continues to advance into the future, so too do the methods of those looking to subvert it. While traditional access control and security methods, such as locks and cameras, might work well as a crime deterrent, a determined individual can analyze and work around the flaws in such systems to get what they want. To address this, the way we view security needed to change: one system was no longer enough to address the problems: rather, a system that combined security, data collection, and access control had to be created. This is where the original PSIM system emerged.
What is PSIM?
PSIM, also known as Physical Security Information Management, connects several unconnected security systems and manages them from a single point. The system can sift through and audit the data from these different points, allowing administrators to see everything on their property. The PSIM system has been used since the 90s, managing security technology and analytics for everything from corporate buildings to city police. When first introduced, the software would usually be implemented in a security room, with numerous computers compiling and storing the data from all its connected parts.
There are a few key factors that make up a fully functioning PSIM system, which include:
1. Data Analysis: PSIM collects data from all of the integrated systems and allows the administrator to view it.
2. Verification: PSIM will present the most relevant data to the administrator.
3. Auditing: Data is stored and categorized to draw on quickly.
Thanks to the cloud and modern technology, Geokey can bring the PSIM system into the future with PSIM 2.0.
Why do we Call Geokey PSIM 2.0?
Geokey, through its innovative access control software, can utilize the tools that make PSIM such an effective security solution. What once took a vast system hardwired into a building can now be managed from a smart device in the palm of your hand!
Because Geokey is hardware-agnostic, meaning it can integrate with different unconnected systems, the software can manage a wide variety of hardware. The Geokey app can integrate and unlock these systems, as well as collect analytical data from them. This data shows everything, such as when a door is opened to who unlocked it, providing a comprehensive security solution. Where the old versions of PSIM required it to be hardwired into the building and connected to the system itself, Geokey utilizes the cloud to control and collect data from a smart device. Administrators can fully use the functions of Geokey, from unlocking doors and granting user access to looking at analytics anywhere in the world, thanks to its connection to the cloud. Geokey users don’t even need wi-fi to view and access the integrated hardware.
Geokey is constantly finding new manufacturers to partner with. The list of hardware our software has integrated with continues to grow in order to fill the vast array of needs business and property owners need filled when it comes to security. From door controllers to padlocks and even building intercom systems, Geokey-compatible hardware can be installed into any access point to give managers control of their building. And, because Geokey’s software is built upon Microsoft Azure, it is a secure solution to manage building access.
In a world with evolving threats, property owners need to know their buildings are secure and under their control. Through Geokey, managers can have this security and control, knowing they can control who can access their property and have the data they need at their disposal.