Geokey and Entrata Integration: Streamline Property Management

Geokey’s mobile access integration with Entrata revolutionizes access control for property owners and managers. With secure digital keys on smartphones, tenants and authorized personnel can enjoy seamless entry, while managers efficiently manage access permissions and monitor logs. This powerful partnership sets new standards for property management and access control.

Property Management Just Got Easier

Sync Data Effortlessly

Eliminate manual data entry and reduce errors by syncing data between Geokey and entrata seamlessly.

Ensure data accuracy across both platforms for improved reporting and analytics.

Automate Your Workflows

Manage access like a breeze through the Geokey Portal. Grant and revoke access automatically based on a resident’s moving dates.

The Benefits


Geokey is designed to accommodate various property sizes and portfolios. Whether managing a single property or multiple properties, the integration with Entrata offers scalability and flexibility to meet different needs.

Cost Effective

Geokey is designed to accommodate various property sizes and portfolios. Whether managing a single property or multiple properties, the integration with Entrata offers scalability and flexibility to meet different needs.


The combination of Geokey’s analytics and Entrata’s property management data allows property managers to make more informed decisions. They can identify trends, assess performance, and optimize operations based on data insights.

About Entrata

Entrata is a cutting-edge property management software that has redefined the way properties are managed. With its intuitive and robust platform, Entrata empowers property owners and managers to streamline operations, enhance tenant experiences, and ensure optimal security. From simplified access control to seamless communication tools, Entrata’s innovative features have made it a game-changer in the property management industry.